херургическое лечение катаракта
Preventive maintenance Б. of newborns will consist in the following. To all newborns immediately after a birth carefully wipe веки the cotton wool moistened in 2 % a solution boric к-you. Then, a little having slightly opened веки, let in конъюнкти-вальный a bag on 1 drop 2°о a solution of nitrate silver (ляписа). In preventive maintenance Б. struggle against a gonorrhoea is of great importance. Подробнее...
To ангиопротекторам concern пармидин, этамзилат, добезилат-calcium, эмоксипин, эскузан. These preparations improve microcirculation, normalize permeability of vessels, reduce puffiness of fabrics. Them apply at atherosclerotic, diabetic ангиоретинопатиях; to a glaucoma; atrophies of an optic nerve; progressing short-sightedness; увеитах on ground коллагенозов, etc. Appoint in tablets on 0,25 г; intravenously or intramuscularly on 2-4 ml; субконъюнктивально, парабульбарно or ретробульбарно on 0,5 ml daily. Course of treatment - from 10 up to 30 injections. Подробнее...