морин катаракта
The forecast at Г. is always serious, and preservation of sight frequently depends on timeliness of diagnostics, observance of a mode and accuracy of treatment. Treatment Г. is carried out{spent} by the doctor - oculist. The average medical staff can carry out purposes{assignments} of it{him}. At sharp attack Г. are necessary often закапывания in a sick eye mystical (narrowing a pupil) means (2 % a solution пилокарпина, etc.), purpose{assignment} inside диакарба (фонурита) on 0,5-0,25 г or гли-церола (a mix of equal quantities{amounts} of glycerin and изотонического a solution of chloride of sodium) at the rate of 1-1,5 г glycerin on 1 kg of weight of a body of the patient, bloodsuckers on a temple, hot foot baths, salt laxative. If the attack is not stoped, operation (the patient it is necessary to direct to the specialized hospital) is necessary urgent антнглаукоматозная. Подробнее...
Конъюнктива - connecting (mucous) environment Г. as a thin transparent film covers a back surface a century and a forward part of an eyeball atop склеры up to a cornea. When веки are open, конъюнктива forms as though a bag with a wide cut - an eye crack. At internal corner Г. settles down plaintive мясцо. Конъюнктива does not prevent mobility of an eyeball, it is transparent, smooth; in the field of a cartilage a century through it{her} appear through мейбомиевы железы. Possessing the rich neurovascular device, конъюнктива reacts to any irritations (конъюнкти-вальный a reflex) .Методы researches. One of the major symptoms of pathology Г. is downturn (or frustration) sight. Therefore at each patient with complaints to deterioration of sight check visual acuity. Подробнее...