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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

проверка зрения линзы диагностика

GLAUCOMA - disease of eyes which basic attribute is increase of intraocular pressure. Allocate primary and secondary G.Etiologija primary Г. it is not found out. Secondary Г. can develop as complication of some diseases of eyes (иридоциклит, an intraocular tumour and so forth). Подробнее...

Treatment. Patients К. should be treated under the instruction{indication} of the doctor - oculist. Depending on kind К. appoint often washings конъ-юнктивального a bag of 2 % a solution of a boric acid, a solution оксицианида mercury 1 : 5000; закапывание 5-6 times in day of drops of one of the listed solutions: 30 % of a solution сульфацпла sodium, penicillin, неомицина пли a hydrochloride тетрациклина (solutions of antibiotics prepare at the rate of 10000 ЕД on 1 ml of solvent), 0,3 % of a solution синтомицина, 10 % of a solution сульфапиридазина sodium; закладывание for веки 3-4 times day of 1 % тетрациклиновой ointments. At diphtheritic К. patients are subject to isolation and treatment, as at diphtherias (sm). . Местно appoint lotions from a solution of permanganate калия 1:5000, закапывание 30 % of a solution суль-фацила sodium. At аденовирусных К. appoint antibiotics and сульф-аниламидные preparations inside, местно - 1 % тетрациклиновую or 0,25 % оксолиповую ointment of 3-5 times in day, закапывание a solution ДНК-ELEMENTS (дезоксирибонуклеазы), interferon of 5-8 times in day. At па-ратрахоме it is shown закладывание in an eye of 1 % тетрациклиновой to ointment, прп heavy current - antibiotics and сульфаниламидные preparations inside. Подробнее...