Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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диагностика дальтонизма

Новокаиновая blockade is applied in ophthalmology in complex treatment of some diseases of eyes: кератиты various этиологии, увеиты, burns of a cornea, невриты, ангиоспазм ретинальных vessels, a glaucoma. In ophthalmology blockade which is carried out by the average medical personnel is most distributed hypodermic параорбитальная. At параорбитальной to blockade enter 15-20 ml of 0,5-1 % of a solution новокаина deeply under a leather{skin} in area надбровной arches and external orbital edge{territory}. On a rate - 4-5 blockade in 4-5 day. Подробнее...

Закапывание eye drops (installation) is convenient, economic, usually safe method of treatment and besides promotes fast всасыванию a preparation. Всасывание medicinal substance from конъюнктивальной cavities depends on his{its} solubility (the medicines appointed in a solution, are much faster soaked up, than what are appointed in эмульсии or the oil form), concentration (solutions with high concentration are soaked up faster), рН destinations. Инстилляции an effective way of treatment at конъюнктивитах, many кератитах, иритах, иридоциклитах. Drops enter in bottom конъюнктивальный the arch. Подробнее...