дальтонизм behigh
Diagnosis Б. is put usually by the doctor - oculist on the basis of definition of visual acuity and other researches. Everything addressing for medical aid with complaints to deterioration of sight or bad sight afar, should be directed to the doctor - oculist. Подробнее...
Vitamin В1 (тиамин) apply at degenerations of a retina, a pathology of an optic nerve, кератитах, a glaucoma. Appoint in tablets on 0,002 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 3 % and 6 % of solutions. Vitamin В2 (рибофлавин) apply at блефаритах, рецидивирующих barleys, кератитах, ulcers of a cornea. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г and as eye drops of 0,01 % a solution. Vitamin B6 (пиридоксин) apply at a pathology of a retina, an optic nerve, inflammatory diseases of eyes. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 1 % and 5 % of solutions. Подробнее...