последствия дальтонизма
Герпетический К. it is caused by a virus of a simple herpes. At this form К. it is sharply reduced пли there is no sensitivity of a cornea. Distinguish герпетическпй К. superficial and deep. Superficial герпетический К. it happens in the form treelike К. (fig. 2) is more often. Deep (стромальный) герпетический К. it is characterized диффузным by turbidity of deep layers of a cornea. At дисковидной to the form deep К. turbidity as a disk in the central departments of a cornea, in average and its{her} deep layers is observed. Treatment: местно apply means expanding a pupil - 1 % a solution of sulfate of atropine, 0,25 % a solution скополамина; besides appoint керецид, interferon, ДНК-азу (misinformation - оксирибонуклеаза) as drops of 6-8 times pass; гаммаглобулин. Appoint also оксолиновую ointment. Подробнее...
The wall of an eyeball will consist of three environments: external - very dense fibrous environment consisting of a cornea and склеры; average, vascular, and internal - a mesh environment (retina). Inside an eyeball are a crystalline lens and стекловидное a body. Chambers of an eyeball are filled with an intraocular liquid - an aqueous moisture. Подробнее...