лечение дальнозоркости у грудничков
Г. Mostly begins and quite often proceeds imperceptibly. At the complaint of patients, it is especial older persons, on downturn of sight, a pain in the field of an eye the medical assistant should direct in due time them to the doctor - oculist. The most effective concerning preservation of sight is диспансерный a method of service of patients Г., providing active revealing of people, suspicious on Г., regular supervision over them, early diagnostics Г., duly and correct treatment. Подробнее...
Противовирусные means apply at virus (аденовирусных, герпетических) конъюнктивитах, кератитах, увеитах, нейроретинитах. Appoint I офтан-go (керецид, идувиран) 0,1 % eye drops, инстиллируют 6-8 times to day; оксолин, теброфен, флореналъ as 0,1 %, 0,25 %, 0,5 % of ointments; interferon in installations, injections under конъюнктиву or with the help фонофореза; дезоксирибонуклеазу (ДНК-азу) - 0,2 % a solution for installations or субконъюнктивальных injections. Подробнее...