Мануальная терапия
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контактная коррекция и возрастная дальнозоркость

It is necessary to take into account and such fact. That the refraction of an eye never happens a constant, does not allow to write out the exact recipe on glasses. It is no wonder, that some people and do not manage to pick up glasses to which their eyes would reconcile. Inconstancy of a refraction results, besides to that discrepancy which we can observe in the statistical data on prevalence of those or other kinds of infringement of sight. Подробнее...

Burn Г. are thermal and chemical. Thermal burns are caused by fire fused by metal, boiling water and нр. Heavy thermal burns can conduct to некрозу конъюнктивы, a cornea and склеры with the subsequent formation{education} of cicatricial turbidity of a cornea and сращений between centuries and an eyeball. Chemical burns Г. are caused гл. обр. Acids and alkalis. Acids cause more superficial defeat, alkalis have deep damaging{injuring} an effect. Are especially heavy ожопг not slaked известью. Very much the great value at chemical burns Г. has rendering the urgent help to the victim. Immediate plentiful washing Г. by water is necessary. Then Г. the patient should be examined carefully, necessarily having turned out веки. If there are particles of metal, to exhaust and other alien bodies, them it is necessary to remove cautiously a damp wadded tampon alien bodies. Then pawn for веки disinfectant ointments (30 % сульфацид-натриевая) then the patient direct to the oculist. Подробнее...