Мануальная терапия
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лечение дальнозоркости у детей раннего возраста

At Б. newborns infection of eyes occurs at passage of the head of a fruit through patrimonial ways a sick gonorrhoea of mother. Usually both eyes fall ill. On 2-3 й day after a birth the child has swelling and a redness a century, гиперемия and puffiness конъюнктивы. Веки become so dense, that they are difficult for opening or turning out. In the beginning of disease separated of конъюнктивального a bag poor, серозно-кровянистое, on 4-5-® day becomes plentiful, purulent (rice).. Подробнее...

Washing конъюнктивального a bag with the help of a rubber cylinder (pear) allows to wash out a strong jet of a liquid the bottom and top vaults конъюнктивы. For washing it is possible to use a usual cylinder for клизм. The cylinder and his{its} tip should be sterile. In a cylinder type{collect} a washing liquid as which water is used, at burns alkalis - sour solutions for neutralization of alkali (2-3 % a solution of a boric acid), at burns acids - alkaline solutions (2 % a solution of sodium of a hydrocarbonate). It is possible to do{make} washing above тазиком, a bowl. For washing the bottom arch delay a lower eyelid, the patient ask to look upwards, compression of a cylinder a jet direct on конъюнктиву the arch, and then under a upper eyelid for washing the top arch. Подробнее...