Мануальная терапия
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дальнозоркость минус

Drops can be appointed very much frequently if it is shown, but it is necessary to remember about system всасывании. Therefore at закапывании strong eye drops (for example, atropine) in order to prevent their hit in a cavity of a nose it is necessary to press on 1 mines an index finger area of a plaintive bag. Подробнее...

SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS - (миопия) one of kinds of a clinical refraction of an eye, at a cut the parallel beams going from subjects, after their refraction in an eye incorporate in focus ahead of a mesh environment (fig. 1). On a retina at Б. the missing beams proceeding from subjects, located from an eye on close distance (fig. 2) incorporate in focus only. In this connection the remote subjects are perceived indistinctly. Distance within the limits of which probably precise sight, depends on degree Б.-the above Б., the there should be a subject closer. Подробнее...