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Treatment. Antibiotics and сульфаниламидные preparations are most effective and have fast an effect. After washing eyes изотоническим a solution of chloride of sodium dig in a solution of penicillin (100000 ЕД on 10 ml of distilled water) on 2 drops in an eye each 5-10 minutes at first two o'clock and then each hour within day. Each 3 hours dig in in an eye of 30 % a solution сульфацил-нат-рия (albucid). Intramuscularly enter a solution of penicillin in the standard dosages. At бленнорее adults for the prevention{warning} of carry of an infection in the second eye on him{it} impose a protective bandage with hour glass which edges{territories} paste a sticky plaster. Подробнее...
*Это, continues C.L.Tomson, explains our basic objection against use of glasses: neutralizing a pressure{voltage}, they weaken process of self-improvement and *отбивают охоту* at fabrics (ПРИМ.АВТ.имеется in a kind of fabrics of an eye) to the adaptation. Their extreme efficiency also results in their condemnation. Precisely as it happens and with the person when mediocrity convenient for him{it} and absence of stimulus be it{he} though unpleasant though pleasant results in laziness and застою*. Подробнее...