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дакриоцистит наворожденных

КЕРАТИТ - an inflammation of a cornea of an eye. Basic attributes К.: a photophobia, слезотечение, блефароспазм, гиперемия конъюнктивальных and эписклеральных vessels, a roughness and истыканность surfaces of a cornea, infringement of its{her} sensitivity is frequent. The transparency of a cornea (and consequently, and visual acuity) is broken; in heavy cases develops ирит. There are following forms To is more often. Подробнее...

Закладывание eye ointments it is carried out with the help of a glass stick or it is direct from the tubas having the reduced diameter of an aperture for expression of ointment. Ointment usually pawn in bottom конъюнктивальный the arch. Thus one hand a lower eyelid delay downwards, and the patient ask to look upwards. Having brought in a small portion of ointment, cautiously lower{omit} a lower eyelid and carry out{spend} easy massage a century. The surplus of the ointment which have got on веки, delete a dry wadded ball. Ointment is kept in конъюнктивальной cavities is longer (the period полувыведения ointments at 30-50 time more longly, than the period полувыведения drops) and is soaked up is system to a lesser degree, than eye drops, but sight obscures. Подробнее...