Мануальная терапия
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эндоназальная микрохирургия хронического дакриоцистита

Massage a century is sometimes appointed the patient with the raised{increased} secretion мейбомиевых желез and a delay of a secret in their channels that can conduct to persistent блефароконъюнктивитам. The purpose of massage - опорожнение channels мейбомиевых желез from the contents which have accumulated in them. The best technics{technical equipment} of massage is following. In an eye the solution дикаина is dug in, and through 3-4 mines after that under a upper eyelid is entered лопаточка a glass eye stick above which mass веко a finger. Thus from мейбомиевых желез superfluous contents are allocated. Moving a glass stick, make massage of a century on all his{its} extent then банничком delete an allocated secret. Then the same massage is done{made} and on a lower eyelid. After massage in an eye disinfectant drops are dug in. Подробнее...

Actually, any eye (irrespective of, whether there is a speech about a normal eye with usually normal sight or we deal with eyes with the broken sight) has no always the same value of a refraction. The refraction of any eye varies not only day by day, not only hour from one hour or from one minute to one minute, but it is literally every second. Подробнее...