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лечение глоукомы

Конъюнктива - connecting (mucous) environment Г. as a thin transparent film covers a back surface a century and a forward part of an eyeball atop склеры up to a cornea. When веки are open, конъюнктива forms as though a bag with a wide cut - an eye crack. At internal corner Г. settles down plaintive мясцо. Конъюнктива does not prevent mobility of an eyeball, it is transparent, smooth; in the field of a cartilage a century through it{her} appear through мейбомиевы железы. Possessing the rich neurovascular device, конъюнктива reacts to any irritations (конъюнкти-вальный a reflex) .Методы researches. One of the major symptoms of pathology Г. is downturn (or frustration) sight. Therefore at each patient with complaints to deterioration of sight check visual acuity. Подробнее...

Сульфанилвмиды appoint at bacterial конъюнктивите, блефарите, кератоконъюнктивите, увейте, caused sensitive to сульфаниламидам flora: Str. pyogenes; Str. pneumoniae; Haemophilus influenzae; Actinomyces; Chlamydia trachomatis; Toxoplasma gondii. As monotherapy сульфаниламиды recently are used seldom as to them in this case resistency (stability) quickly develops. In a combination to system application сульфаниламиды use at a trachoma and others хламидийных infections. Them appoint during 5-7 days, frequently in a combination with antibiotics. In eye practice widely use: сулъфацетамид (albucid, сульфацил-sodium) 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 30 % of concentration. A solution dig in in конъюнктивальный a bag on 1-2 drops through 1-3 ч within day; 10 % a solution of сульфапиридазин-sodium on 7 % a solution of polyvinyl spirit, dig in on 1-2 drops 2 times day. At a trachoma сульфапиридазин in addition appoint inside on 1-2 г 1-2 times day within 7-10 days. Подробнее...