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близорукость косоглазие опирация стоимость цена зеленоград

Монокулярную a bandage impose on a ватно-gauze lining. The first round of bandage is carried out{spent} on a forehead and around of a head in a direction to a healthy eye. The second round goes below an ear on the party{side} of a sick eye and passes on the central sites of a ватно-gauze lining. Further alternate{interleave} and slightly vary both basic directions while all ватно-gauze lining will not disappear under bandage. Thus it is impossible to suppose, that the bandage "ran" under an auricle or pressed her{it} as it will very quickly cause unpleasant and even painful sensations in the field of an ear. Подробнее...

The means expanding a pupil (мидриатики), apply with diagnostic (survey of an eye bottom, definition of a refraction) and the medical purpose (иммобилизация a pupil and the prevention{warning} of formation{education} of solderings радужки with a crystalline lens at иридоциклитах and радужки with a cornea at penetrating wounds of an eye). These preparations are contra-indicated at a glaucoma as raise intraocular pressure. Appoint: atropine sulfate - 0,1 %, 0,5 %, 1 % solutions in инстилляциях and as injections under конъюнктиву. Мидриаз comes through 15 mines and some days keep; скополамина hydrobromide - 0,1-0,25 % a solution, инстиллируют on 1-2 drops 2-3 times day, on action it{he} is similar to atropine, is well transferred by patients; гоматропина hydrobromide - 0,5-1 % the solution in инстилляциях, is applied mainly with the diagnostic purpose as possesses ability quickly to cause мидриаз which passes during 8-20 ч. Подробнее...