лечение близорукости у детей 10 лет
Склера, consisting of dense collagenic fibres, it is opaque, poor blood vessels. The forward part склеры is covered конъюнктивой. On border of connection склеры with a transparent cornea is present superficial желобок in the width ок. 1 mm, so-called лимб. A cornea - transparent бессосудистое formation{education}, in the optical attitude{relation} working similarly to strong convex glass. She{it} possesses very high sensitivity a plenty of the nervous terminations{endings} located basically in its{her} superficial layers. Подробнее...
Vitamins are part of the eye drops used at a cataract. "Вицеин" - the combined preparation including цистеин, тиамин, АТФ, a nicotinic acid and a number{line} of other components. It is applied in an initial stage of a cataract. Are close on pharmacological action to вицеину foreign preparations "Витаиодурол", "Витафакол", "Катахром", "Каталин". Подробнее...