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линзы при близорукости

Meanwhile, means of protection of eyes from surplus of light have been stipulated by the nature. A safety role here have been called to play веки which can approach, and the pupil, which size can decrease, adjusting thus quantity{amount} of light acting in an eye. Only at very bright illumination, for example, at electric welding, on a beach, in desert or snow-covered space where the beams of the sun reflected from a surface multiply force of light falling in eyes, there is a need{requirement} for sunglasses. Such need{requirement} can arise and at drivers at long trip on a motorway in solar weather when the sight all time is chained to road. Reflection of light from it{her} in such cases not so pleasantly for eyes which have not passed a special rate of preparation through соляризацию. Подробнее...

To begin in an iris of the eye (ирит), then to be distributed on цилпарное a body (циклит) or process simultaneously covers both environments - I.Irit develops is accompanied by a photophobia, слезотечением, pains in an eye, гиперемией конъюнктивы an eyeball and перикорнеальной an injection (гиперемия around лимба). Color and figure of an iris of the eye changes, the pupil is narrowed, the moisture of the forward chamber of an eye frequently becomes muddy, there are solderings between зрачковым edge{territory} of an iris of the eye and a bag of a crystalline lens (are well found out at expansion of a pupil). Подробнее...