Мануальная терапия
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микрохирурги близорукость

At chronic current Г. for preservation of sight early diagnostics and in due time started treatment matters. At the intraocular pressure equal of 27-28 mm рт. An item, full inspection on Г. (it is made by the doctor - oculist) is necessary. Подробнее...

For К., caused пневмококками, defeat in the beginning one eye, then the second is typical. Process proceeds sharply. On конъюнктиве are possible{probable} dot кровоизлияння, sometimes gentle easily removed a film. Separated purulent. Гонококковый К.-Diphtheritic К. (fig. 3) is observed at children is more often. It is characterized by occurrence on конъюнктиве a century grayish, difficultly removed пленок. Веки dense, отечные. Defeat of a cornea is frequently observed. The diagnosis put on the basis of bacteriological research on stick Леффлера. Подробнее...