лечить близорукость
Склера, consisting of dense collagenic fibres, it is opaque, poor blood vessels. The forward part склеры is covered конъюнктивой. On border of connection склеры with a transparent cornea is present superficial желобок in the width ок. 1 mm, so-called лимб. A cornea - transparent бессосудистое formation{education}, in the optical attitude{relation} working similarly to strong convex glass. She{it} possesses very high sensitivity a plenty of the nervous terminations{endings} located basically in its{her} superficial layers. Подробнее...
Processing of ciliary edges{territories} a century (a toilet a century) is frequently carried out{frequently spent} at chronic блефаритах. The edge{territory} a century should be carefully cleared from корок, purulent выделений. For this purpose wipe веки the gauze or wadded balls humidified with an antiseptic solution (0,02 % a solution фурацилина; 0,1 % a solution калия permanganate). Подробнее...