консервативное лечение близорукости
Vascular environment Г., or увеальный a path, will consist of an iris of the eye, ciliary, or цилиарного, bodies and actually vascular environment - хориоидеи. An iris of the eye, or радужка, - the most forward part of a vascular environment. In the center радужки there is a round aperture - a pupil through which rays of light will penetrate inside of an eyeball and a retina reach{achieve}. Depending on intensity of a light stream the pupil is capable to change the size: at bright light it{he} already, at weak and in darkness - is wider. The size of a pupil changes as a result of interaction of smooth muscular fibres - сфинктера and дилататора, prisoners in радужке and иннервируемых парасимпатическим and sympathetic nerves. At a number{line} of diseases there is an expansion of a pupil - мидриаз or narrowing - миоз. Радужка contains various quantity{amount} of a pigment, from ¬-рого its{her} painting (color Г.) depends . Behind радужки it is located ciliary (цилиарное) a body into which structure enters ciliary, or аккомодационная, a muscle .На an internal surface ciliary (цилнарного) bodies, in his{its} forward third, are located цилиарные shoots. Fibres are attached to them ciliary пояска (цинновы a sheaf), on ¬-рых the crystalline lens is suspended. Реснпчное the body produces an intraocular liquid. Кзади the ciliary body passes in actually vascular environment (хориоидею), edges{territories} will consist basically of vessels of various calibre. Numerous rich a pigment of a cell{cage} хорноидеи interfere with penetration of light through склеру, eliminating светорассеяние. Подробнее...
Proceeding from told, Бэйтс judges, that glasses bring to the person harm big or small, but nevertheless harm. *Человек, explain{speak} Бэйтс, cannot see through them if it{he} does not make a degree of anomaly of a refraction which they should correct. However, рефрактивные anomalies in an eye which is given to itself, are never constant. Hence, if the person provides to itself good sight with the help concave, convex or астигматических lenses, it means, that it{he} keeps constantly certain degree of anomaly of a refraction which in other conditions would not be kept those. Unique result of such situation it is necessary to expect deterioration of a condition. Experience shows, that is usual and происходит.* Подробнее...