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физическая культура при близорукости

Actually, any eye (irrespective of, whether there is a speech about a normal eye with usually normal sight or we deal with eyes with the broken sight) has no always the same value of a refraction. The refraction of any eye varies not only day by day, not only hour from one hour or from one minute to one minute, but it is literally every second. Подробнее...

I shall add, that a key to correction of sight in conscientiousness разглядывания details in last two exercises. On a paper always there are seen fibres which can be considered, and at a window, for example, the removed house there are fine details which too can be considered in more detail. It is necessary to peer at subjects before reception of effect, and it{him} should be. Certainly, that at trainings use of glasses, contact lenses or any others " crutches for eyes " is completely inadmissible. Подробнее...