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To development Б. promote негпгие-нические conditions of visual work (bad illumination, work on close distance and so forth). Hereditary predisposition to Б. can matter at presence of adverse conditions. Б. usually starts to develop in school days, with the years a degree of her{it} can grow. Подробнее...
ИРИДОЦИКЛИТ - an inflammation of an iris of the eye and цилиарного bodies of an eye. Arises on ground of the general{common} diseases of an organism (a tuberculosis, rheumatism, quinsy, a flu, a polyarthritis, a returnable typhus, a gout, a diabetes, a syphilis, a gonorrhoea, etc.), diseases of a teeth, additional bosoms of a nose when there is a drift to a current of blood of activators or their toxins in an iris of the eye and ци-лиарное a body. The inflammation can Подробнее...