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лечение близорукости у детей

Intramuscular introduction of medicines provides fast soaking up effect at use of water solutions and slow, supporting when preparations of the prolonged action are applied. This method of treatment is convenient for introduction of average volumes of a liquid, oil solutions and the preparations possessing some irritating action. Подробнее...

The creeping ulcer of a cornea arises more often after superficial traumas of a cornea колосками cereals, branches of a tree, fine alien bodies. The purulent inflammation of a plaintive bag (дакриоцистит) promotes development of process. It is characterized by defect of a fabric of a cornea with purulent инфильтрацией and bent to distribution on a surface and in depth (fig. 1), at the bottom of the forward chamber of an eye occurs a congestion of pus (гппопион), an irregular-shaped pupil. Current usually heavy. At absence of duly treatment complications down to perforation of a cornea are possible{probable}. Treatment only at the doctor - oculist - сульфаниламиды and antibiotics place - but also inside. At detection дакриоцистита urgent operative treatment is necessary. Подробнее...