беременность и близорукость
Diagnosis Д. can be put during definition of visual acuity at research by glasses. Degree Д. is defined{determined} by strongest of the collective lenses, giving the best sight. Visual acuity at Д. weak and average degrees can be normal; at Д. high degrees (5,0-10,0 D and is higher) visual acuity is lowered, despite of correction by glasses. Correction Д. is made by the convex glasses strengthening a refraction (fig. 2). At absence of correction by glasses at far-sighted easily arises астенопия and quite often the converging squint develops. Подробнее...
Противовирусные means apply at virus (аденовирусных, герпетических) конъюнктивитах, кератитах, увеитах, нейроретинитах. Appoint I офтан-go (керецид, идувиран) 0,1 % eye drops, инстиллируют 6-8 times to day; оксолин, теброфен, флореналъ as 0,1 %, 0,25 %, 0,5 % of ointments; interferon in installations, injections under конъюнктиву or with the help фонофореза; дезоксирибонуклеазу (ДНК-азу) - 0,2 % a solution for installations or субконъюнктивальных injections. Подробнее...