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наркотическое опьянение

There are also the examples testifying, that a pray, reading of the Gospel, in general belief and full fidelity of will Божией essence the means preventing passion to drunkenness and saving from these betrayed. One priest transfers us such story for edification. It{he} so begins the narration: " Following me one captain who is seeing off criminals to Siberia has told. Since young years I served in army;, knew service and we like was the heads as the serviceable ensign. By misfortune from often wine parties and junkets with young friends I have got used to drink that toward the end at me hard drinking was formed. It happened as I do not drink, the serviceable officer, and as закурю week and on service I am not. For a long time suffered{bore} me on service; at last, for roughnesses and the quarrel, made in a state of intoxication, have degraded me in soldiers for three years with moving to garrison; if not I shall be corrected, I shall not cease to drink, threatened with the strict punishment. In this unfortunate position how many I neither tried to refrain and how many nor was treated for drunkenness, could not be released{exempted} from my passion in any way; therefore wanted me to move already in арестантские mouths. Having heard it, I did not know what to do{make} with myself. During one time I in meditation sat in a barracks. Any monk with книгою for gathering on church has suddenly come to us. Soldiers submitted, that could. The monk has approached to me and has asked: " That you such sad "? I have told to it{him} the to mountain. The monk has listened to me with participation and speaks: " the same was Exact with my native brother, and that to it{him} has helped: his{its} spiritual father has given it{him} the Gospel and has firmly told, that it{he} when the fault not hesitating at all would read the chapter{head} from the Gospel will want; if thirst fault will not pass, and still would read the following chapter{head}. My brother began so to act, and in short time the passion to drunkenness in it{him} has disappeared, and 15 years it{he} intoxicated does not take a drop in a mouth. Try also you so - you will see advantage{benefit}! I have Gospel, perhaps, I shall bring it{him} to you ". Having listened to it, I answered it{him}: " Where here to help your Gospel when any my diligence, medicinal grants{manuals} could not help me ". I have told it because never читывал the Gospels. " Do not speak it, the monk continued, I assure you, that there will be an advantage{a benefit} ". Later a little bit{some} time, has come time to me to wash down; I have read one chapter{head} of the Gospel; has become more easy. So day has passed; вставши поутру and having settled down to go behind wine, I have thought: I shall read from the Gospel, has read and has not gone, and exactly{equally} twenty years I do not drink anything; has sworn itself never to drink and every day to read the Gospel. The captain told it to the priest, and the priest, having listened to it, has told to it{him}: in our village one peasant the same illness also was unhealthy, to it{him} have advised, when will want to it{him} to drink, say about itself a pray: " My God Jesus Christ Syne Divine, pardon мя guilty ", 33 times, on number of years of His{Its} terrestrial life, that that both has executed, and has ceased to drink " medicines against drunkenness. But if struggle and after such means to not stop, and the drunkard will still suffer the illness all the same it is not necessary to weaken, in hope that is possible to be released{exempted}, will be corrected from him{it}. The main thing that it is necessary to observe, is a reference{manipulation} to the God with молитвою, - and it{He} your assistant, it{He} will help you to be released{exempted} from an illness so severely tormenting and exhausting you. Подробнее...

The drunkard loses mind and the honour, ruins the life and health and quite often finishes the life is similar to cattle. Whether staying in fault to mountain? Wise son Sirahov exclaims. What such people expects in the next world - in the future life? Word Божие speaks: drunkards царствия Божия will not leave marks. Terribly it! The verdict is awful! St.. John Zlatoust speaks, that the drunkard is especially favourite дияволом because anybody so does not execute his{its} will as the person devoted fault. The drunkard cannot be neither the kind citizen, nor the good family man. Any public affair never will charge the drunkard. It{he} will spoil all also good will make bad in одурении from the passion. And what is done{made} in the house, in family at similar people? Eternal quarrels, fights and curses. Children and wives starve, go undressed and разутые; at him{it}, that was, and went on wine. Соломон speaks: " Всяк бо the drunkard will become impoverished " (Parables 23,21) the Drunkard most unfortunate of people. Vasily Veliky speaks, that revelling gradually condescends from a degree of the alive person and turns in the callous idol who has eyes, but does not see, legs{foots} has, but does not go. And really, not whom it is similar the drunkard? The person of it{him} is yellow, as wax, eyes were poured by blood, under eyes dark blue a stain, it{he} is shaked and shivers, a voice at him{it} hoarse, speech muffled, say, it{he} loses an image Divine, represents any срамного the ugly creature Подробнее...