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наркомания кокаин

And in one year at you not only a teeth become white, and complexion - healthy, but also internal bodies will be released{exempted} from poisons. Easy, heart, vessels, a brain will start to work in full force. To you serviceability about which you for a long time have overlooked will return. I as the doctor speak it to you. Подробнее...

In a situation when the man to drink prestigiously (and is not necessary almost), and to the woman - it is shameful, lady who only began to be fond of alcoholic drinks, carefully enough hides this hobby. In general at women dependence is formed more often by a principle "alpha - алкоголизма" - we shall tell, ladies after work gather in " the small ladies' sincere company " in any cafe and pass{miss} on liqueur glass - other столового fault. After that the woman comes home - eyes at it{her} shine, she{it} all such cheerful, frequently more sexual, for domestic affairs undertakes more willingly... And so day by day. Such development of dependence, as against man's "scale - алкоголизма" - not so is evident; moreover, if also the husband drinks (drinks), without ceremony can and not унюхать, that from his{its} wife too smells slightly легонечко of alcoholic drinks. And it{he} will not think, that she{it} too "tipsy" - it{he} sees, that she{it} simply cheerful, cheerful, and in every possible way its{her} this behaviour encourages. And similar the year, two, three can last... While at the woman degradation of the person will not begin already. And when her{it} алкоголизм was evident by virtue of sharp personal and intellectual changes literally, - then everyone will tell: " Well it is necessary - as terribly when the woman drinks! And as quickly her{it} has knocked down - only some days (as they think) drink wine, and - began имбецилкой! " Подробнее...