курение легкие болезнь
Frequently it is necessary to hear good wishes from different people, say, well to stop to smoke, yes it is impossible. Ask itself self-critically, that particularly you have made to refuse smoking. The one who really aspires to get rid of harmful habits (anyone!), will always find a suitable way. Подробнее...
Looking through grants{manuals} for throwing{stopping} to smoke, I repeatedly met advice{council} to take a pure{clean} sheet of a paper and to write to one column the reasons for the benefit of refusal of smoking, and in other column - reasons against. Further to weigh all pro и contra and then to make the decision. At once I shall tell - advice{council} inutile. Here to weigh there is nothing. To weigh arguments it is possible when you deliberate, whether it is necessary to marry or when you choose what machine to buy and where. And with smoking a situation extremely clear: you want to live - stop immediately and finally. Stop at once at one stroke, instead of gradually; there is nothing to pull a cat for a tail. Подробнее...