курение ангина
Appreciable "approximately" there is only a second stage алкоголизма because on it{her} there is that похмельно-абстинентный a syndrome (it{he} so-called syndrome Жислина). It already formation of pharmacological dependence on alcohol. And as it has been told in my Master - class at discussion of this theme, in similar situations "... The person in absence of alcoholic drinks becomes irritable, inattentive and starts to test the periods of strange alarm or aggression by which it was not observed " earlier. At same stage tolerance to alcohol reaches{achieves} to a maximum - the person can drink almost three litres of vodka day and like to not get drunk! Подробнее...
Action of any drug will consist of two phases. In the first work of a brain is broken actually, there is an euphoria. In the second phase the brain starts to recover, getting rid of poisonous substances, but from other organism of a consequence of influence of poison are not eliminated yet, and the recovering brain starts to feel these unpleasant " destructive consequences ". (Certainly, each drug has, special mechanisms, but a principle for all the general{common}). The person also feels after plentiful возлияния, that at him{it} and " the head бо-н« ", and " in ротике бяка " is and there is that at experts in narcology refers to абстинентным as a syndrome, and at inhabitants - a hang-over. And acceptance of a new portion of alcohol renders " salutary action " only because again disconnects a brain. And further the vicious circle turns out: because consequences "опохмелки" frequently again should be removed the next doze of "anesthesia". Then - still. And this process quite often passes in a condition, called "begin to sing". Подробнее...