курение и бесплодие
And why at " a fine floor " where the same is less often noticed even an alpha, and бэта-алкоголизм: the woman of " alcoholic intensity " masks the most part of the under " nervous problems " (which to it{her} are allowed for having, as against men). For example, it was not possible to it{her} today with подружками to drink on стаканчику in cafe - so she{it} has come home and закатила to the husband scandal. And justify this scandal can though notorious ПМС:), though " a subtlety of ladies' nerves " though in general nothing to justify: for in our culture " general female демонстративности " битье lady of plates on kitchen{cuisine} - even more often in the nature of things: (. Подробнее...
How many it is necessary to drink to get drunk? Here it is necessary to enter concept of "tolerance" - stability, or bearableness of alcohol. Tolerance is defined{determined} as a maximum permissible doze after which use the person survives - but it at doctors. In household concept tolerance is that quantity{amount} of alcoholic drinks which the person can drink and not get drunk. And than above tolerance (the more this quantity{amount}), the is more probable presence of alcoholic dependence. Frequently it is possible to observe, how of a table experienced muzhiks, хлестающие vodka glasses, are dared above young men which the fault becomes tipsy after a glass: " Эх you, are not able to drink! " But actually they are praised by the illness: the young man, fortunately, yet has no high tolerance to alcoholic drinks, and through alcoholized yokels became inveterate alcoholic addicts. Подробнее...