Мануальная терапия
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курение вредно для здоровья

And why at " a fine floor " where the same is less often noticed even an alpha, and бэта-алкоголизм: the woman of " alcoholic intensity " masks the most part of the under " nervous problems " (which to it{her} are allowed for having, as against men). For example, it was not possible to it{her} today with подружками to drink on стаканчику in cafe - so she{it} has come home and закатила to the husband scandal. And justify this scandal can though notorious ПМС:), though " a subtlety of ladies' nerves " though in general nothing to justify: for in our culture " general female демонстративности " битье lady of plates on kitchen{cuisine} - even more often in the nature of things: (. Подробнее...

The first, on what is necessary to pay attention, is a frustration of dream and decrease{reduction} in appetite, anxiety, attacks of depression, irritability, nervousness as fast, a little bit choking speech, shine in eyes are observed the superexcited behaviour, sharpness or excessive smoothness of movements. Also the sexual behaviour sometimes changes. For example, rather shy girl in a daily life can растормозиться and give in to powerful sexual pulses. If you edge{territory} of an ear have heard such words as "меф", « the black beauty », "alarm clock" (not in direct, certainly, sense), that, probably, your child has heard about амфетамин or stronger drug метамфетамин. A white - yellow powder not only smell, but also enter intravenously. In result - the splash similar to an electroshock (after an injection), the trace arise euphoria, excitation, sensation of force, change of sexual behaviour, down to sexual distortions. The basic difference from other preparations - long, about two days after reception, depression - payment for fifteen hours of excitation. Uneasiness raises, appetite is reduced. The teenager can lay hours a layer on a bed and безвольно to look in a ceiling. At the long use heart, a brain, vegetative nervous system collapse. Can come{step} even long strongly pronounced параноидные conditions. To the teenager will seem, that it{him} pursue, want to kill, plunder, shadowing will seem to it{him} everywhere. Амфетаминные addicts reach{achieve} a plateau where the pleasure is impossible. Подробнее...