все о вреде курения
Anyhow, the woman is compelled to mask the predilection for alcohol up to the last and consequently can go "недопитая" is more often. When it will collect up to a critical mark, she{it} is broken in large scandals and even in fights - and then (though also that not always) can notice, that it is connected to its{her} alcoholic dependence. And can and again all on " ladies' nerves " write off{copy} … As when she{it} all the same "will drink up", becomes such kind, soft, compliant … more often Подробнее...
And in one year at you not only a teeth become white, and complexion - healthy, but also internal bodies will be released{exempted} from poisons. Easy, heart, vessels, a brain will start to work in full force. To you serviceability about which you for a long time have overlooked will return. I as the doctor speak it to you. Подробнее...