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But thus the organism of the alpha - alcoholic constantly is under loading of alcoholic drinks. Together with the same gradual infringements of mentality there are somatic frustration (too accrued gradually), and also quite often there is a certain sexual concern (decrease{reduction} in a potentiality firstly " on a sober head ", and then and in general). And in general, alas, the alpha - алкоголизм is a slow, constant imperceptible degradation of the person as a whole, in the best cases - огрубение her{it} with the years. Подробнее...
Smoking promotes an atherosclerosis of vessels. Consequence{investigation} of an atherosclerosis are heart attacks of a myocardium, insults, presenilation. Suffer immunity and эндокринная system. Many men earn an impotence. Women become fruitless or give birth to sick children. Because of narrowed склерозированных vessels blood circulation not only in internal bodies, but also in hands and legs{foots} is broken. At smokers the obliterating atherosclerosis of the bottom finitenesses threatens with a gangrene. On opening at malicious smokers blood clots in various vessels frequently come to light. Подробнее...