детоксикация алкоголизм
It not that other, as a special version of a narcotism. But as against other narcotic substances and even from nicotine, alcohol as one of necessary intermediate products of a metabolism, is present at an organism of any person - even the most inveterate nondrinker. Though it not an occasion easy to consume alcoholic drinks in wild dozes because his{its} quantity{amount} in blood is usual is insignificant (approximately 0,3 промилле - the tenth shares of percent{interest}). For achievement even an easy stage of intoxication this quantity{amount} should increase time in three - four, and for a heavy stage - in ten and more times. By the way, further it would not be desirable to use words " alcoholic intoxication " - would be more exact to tell " a degree of an alcoholic poisoning ", or an alcoholic intoxication. Because alcohol in the dozes exceeding needs of nature, frankly poisons an organism. And sometimes even with a lethal outcome. Подробнее...
Action of any drug will consist of two phases. In the first work of a brain is broken actually, there is an euphoria. In the second phase the brain starts to recover, getting rid of poisonous substances, but from other organism of a consequence of influence of poison are not eliminated yet, and the recovering brain starts to feel these unpleasant " destructive consequences ". (Certainly, each drug has, special mechanisms, but a principle for all the general{common}). The person also feels after plentiful возлияния, that at him{it} and " the head бо-н« ", and " in ротике бяка " is and there is that at experts in narcology refers to абстинентным as a syndrome, and at inhabitants - a hang-over. And acceptance of a new portion of alcohol renders " salutary action " only because again disconnects a brain. And further the vicious circle turns out: because consequences "опохмелки" frequently again should be removed the next doze of "anesthesia". Then - still. And this process quite often passes in a condition, called "begin to sing". Подробнее...