лечение алкогольной интоксикации
That is the person uses alcohol (as most accessible of drugs) besides to leave the real life which something is unpleasant to it{him}. What exactly - it is no time understand, easier drink. Thus it{he} is hidden from the problems once, two, three … And further is threat of occurrence of a narcotism on alcohol. The important attribute of the begun alcoholic illness - constant discomfort on a sober head. Подробнее...
What for to people to use this poison? Then, what for and all other drugs. The easy degree of an alcoholic intoxication (that in use refers to " slightly under the fly ") can be pleasant precisely the same as also an easy degree of a poisoning with any psychotropic preparations (the brain became more stupid{blunt}, and the life has seemed more easy and more perfectly). At the person in this condition the inadequate perception{recognition} of the world first of all begins. In particular, it{he} is not capable to predict event and to not see possible{probable} danger. For this reason drunk drivers are dangerous: they see only that at them before a nose. By the way, drunk behind a rudder it is easy to calculate on his{its} inadequate actions. Подробнее...