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алкоголизм нарколог

The first, that is evident, if your child started to smoke травку, is "lag", loss of interests (so-called демотивационный a syndrome). Usually indifferent to meal, the teenager suddenly, coming home, snatches on a meal and eats all without analysis and in plenties. The attention is broken. The teenager becomes absent-minded. Sometimes, when it{he} starts to speak, you simply cease to understand it{him}. Speed of reactions is slowed down, the teenager can become suspicious, скрытным. Sometimes there are original lingering - guttural intonations in a voice. In a lexicon there are new words: "plan", "травка", "пыхнуть" "to be dragged", "встрять", "to be pinned". Externally it can be shown in reddening eyes, complaints to dryness in a mouth, tachycardia. Well and certainly the teenager will try as it is possible to be less often at home. Подробнее...

If the smoking reducing a life on the average for 15 years, in itself - voluntary madness smoking at the presence of associates is, without exaggeration, a crime against humanity. At last the Duma has passed the law on an interdiction of smoking in public places. We shall look, as it{he} will be observed. Подробнее...