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сексуальная аддикцияIn the fourth case to advise it is necessary to even not @ men, and their wives and members of household. As frequently it is necessary to see, that for treatment from alcoholic dependence addresses not itself "dependent", and his{its} relatives. They find doctors, they carry the sufferer (or his{its} photo) on sessions, they, in the end, the ends, pay for this treatment … But алкоголизм (as well as any narcotic dependence) is cured only when it will be actively wished by the patient. And while the wife will not cease to press on him{it} - what for to it{him} to be treated? It{he} though in a state of intoxication though for the evening, yes feels like "head of the family". Therefore the best way to keep from binge of the beginning{starting} alcoholic - to cease to exhaust it{him} under a heel! However such on forces not to all wives - just because many of them actually want, that the husband of saws. And that it was treated - but it was not cured. Подробнее... But thus the organism of the alpha - alcoholic constantly is under loading of alcoholic drinks. Together with the same gradual infringements of mentality there are somatic frustration (too accrued gradually), and also quite often there is a certain sexual concern (decrease{reduction} in a potentiality firstly " on a sober head ", and then and in general). And in general, alas, the alpha - алкоголизм is a slow, constant imperceptible degradation of the person as a whole, in the best cases - огрубение her{it} with the years. Подробнее...
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