подбор коррекции при астигматизме
Веки wipe in a direction outside кнутри, thus pollution move on спинку a nose, whence leave a ball. Dried separated, sticking together eyelashes, is soaked and leaves in some receptions by the same way. Sometimes after removal{distance} корок recommend to wash out веки water with children's soap or the shampoo which is having approximately neutral environment and not irritating конъюнктиву. After that it is necessary to dry веки a sterile gauze tampon or a towel, and then gently to rub ointment in a leather{skin} and costal edge{territory} a century, achieving that she{it} has necessarily got between roots of eyelashes. Sometimes, carrying out{spending} a toilet a century, after removal{distance} корок, recommend to process cautiously ciliary edge{territory} of a century spirit. In these purposes it is possible to use "банничек" - a stick with hardly wound ваткой. After that on edge{territory} of a century render medicinal substance. Подробнее...
Герпетический К. it is caused by a virus of a simple herpes. At this form К. it is sharply reduced пли there is no sensitivity of a cornea. Distinguish герпетическпй К. superficial and deep. Superficial герпетический К. it happens in the form treelike К. (fig. 2) is more often. Deep (стромальный) герпетический К. it is characterized диффузным by turbidity of deep layers of a cornea. At дисковидной to the form deep К. turbidity as a disk in the central departments of a cornea, in average and its{her} deep layers is observed. Treatment: местно apply means expanding a pupil - 1 % a solution of sulfate of atropine, 0,25 % a solution скополамина; besides appoint керецид, interferon, ДНК-азу (misinformation - оксирибонуклеаза) as drops of 6-8 times pass; гаммаглобулин. Appoint also оксолиновую ointment. Подробнее...