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лечееие целлюлита

In Trabzon some "shopping" has been planned - to me has been strongly recommended to buy to the father a leather jacket for the autumn. To us have told, that at 17 o'clock it is necessary to pass already customs house so on all about all there were 2 hours. In rate of a waltz оббежали trading улочки cities - with a leather{skin} it was found out has strained. It earlier when Trabzon was one of brisk "shuttle" places, here was everything, that is necessary for the Russian person. Have hardly found one shop, smart on a kind, there and came. The black - пречерный Turk has met. Заморачиваться and to select words there was a laziness, therefore, having greeted, I there and then have asked it{him}, whether it{he} speaks in Russian. Certainly, - the seller has answered, - whence will be? From Irkutsk, - we answer. And whence from Irkutsk? Irkutsk one, - I answer. Yes is not present, - speaks, - from what area? I there at you 3 years of veins in Новоленино and in the second, on "Sail" traded. General surprise. The seller called the Check, and in general it{he} appeared the Azerbaijanian, from Baku once. The world is close extremely. It{he} has given to drink us is expected, has helped to choose purchases, in the price prosat not so - the heads was present also delights did not divide{share}. But the result suited - 3 excellent{different} jackets to the father, Стасу and to his{its} brother on the average on 115 evergreen for everyone. Подробнее...

Гуарана (the paste prepared from seeds of liane Paullinia сuраnа) contains a significant amount of natural caffeine. Гуарана provides optimum concentration of caffeine in an organism, supporting a high power level long time. Подробнее...