Мануальная терапия
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- Лор
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

косметология морщины

The dry leather{skin} should be cleared only soft cool water or water of room temperature. Cold water causes narrowing vessels thereof the leather{skin} becomes flabby, wrinkled. Hot water expands vessels and time and too does{makes} a leather{skin} flabby, promotes occurrence on it{her} of wrinkles. On a dry leather{skin} the damp soft climate favorably operates. Air procedures are very good for it{her}. Solar procedures are less recommended, they can be accepted only in the early morning. Подробнее...

I skin the crushed cucumber peel to fill with vodka and to insist before occurrence of green color. Tincture is applied to wiping the person at freckles and pigmentary пятнах. For a dry leather{skin} tincture should be diluted boiled water and on everyone 100 г to add a dining room the spoon of glycerin. Подробнее...