Мануальная терапия
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- Сексопатология

клиника лазерной косметологии и медицины

The crushed vegetative material fill in water as directed in the recipe. If in прописи the parity{ratio} of raw material and water is not specified, it undertakes more often 1:10, i.e. on 1 part of raw material - 10 parts of water. For example, to receive 100 ml настоя, it is necessary to take 10 г the crushed raw material. For external application it is possible to do{make} and more strong extraction (in 1,5-2 times), taking into account, that in some plants the maintenance{contents} of working substances is insignificant. The crushed raw material is better for weighing on chemist's weights. In domestic conditions of it{him} it is possible to dose out dining rooms or teaspoons. Into one dining room the spoon enters on the average 3 г the dry crushed leaves, цветков or grasses; a bark, rhizomes and roots - about{near} 7 г; seeds, kidneys and fruits - about 12. Подробнее...

Ointments prepare, carefully pounding размолотое or the kneaded raw material (accordingly dry or fresh) in a porcelain mortar with what either vegetative or animal fat before reception of homogeneous weight. For preparation of ointments use also liquid extraction from plants (juices), mixing them with fat, жироподобными substances or ready Подробнее...