косметология хирургия
Рибофлавин (vitamin B2) helps at себорее, себорейном loss of hair, pink and ordinary угрях, in уголках a mouth (заеды), positive an effect has on a growing old leather{skin} cracks and ulcers. Contains in cereals, vegetable marrows, cabbage, a potato, an onions{a bow}, apricots, oranges, lemons, wild strawberry, a raspberry, sea-buckthorn berries, a nettle, a rhubard, a camomile, etc. Подробнее...
In some cases настои prepare without heating, insisting raw material for the certain time (from 4 till 12 o'clock) in cold water at room temperature. So, for example, prepare insist a root алтея. From the plants, containing to slime (more often from seeds and roots), prepare настои, having added hot water in the certain parities{ratio}, and upon termination of insisting shake up and filter. Подробнее...