Mera-med | .ru |
косметология и физиотерапияThe sun during this period - the most malicious enemy! From him{it} it is necessary to be hidden under широкополой a hat, a umbrella{parasol}, a veil. If to neglect these recommendations, rough inflammatory reaction, down to occurrence of bubbles is possible{probable}. And then at tearing away of a leather{skin} there can be grazes and scars. Подробнее... For giving белизны to a leather{skin} of the person, and also from угрей, freckles, pigmentary spots, sunburn it is recommended to wipe some times in day a leather{skin} лосьоном: 50 г a fresh cucumber peel to fill with a glass of water of room temperature, to insist within 6 hours, to filter. Подробнее...
Смотри также:центор косметологии и пластической хирургии оральный злокачественная меланома заболевание щитовидной железы гипертереоз дифференциальная диагностика панкреатита |