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медицина косметология

Drying is considered ended{stopped} if leaves and цветки are easily pounded in a powder, stalks and roots break, but will not bend, and fruits do not stick together. Well dried up raw material should not lose the natural painting. Store{keep} it{him} in paper packages, мешочках, boxes and the boxes covered inside by a paper, in pure{clean}, dry, cool places with good ventilation. The plants containing radio oils, it is necessary to store{keep} in glass vessels with притертой a fuse or in metal banks with densely closed cover. Odorous plants should be held separately from odourless. Very much гигроскопичны, them it is better to place the dried up berries on storage in dry places, on a draft, in paper packages (on 200-300 г). At packing raw material in packages, banks or other container inside put labels with the name of a plant and the instruction{indication} of time of gathering. Подробнее...

Much more often women complain of dryness of a leather{skin}. It is considered, that more than half of all women have a dry leather{skin}. At young women the dry leather{skin} matte, elastic, is well tense on hypodermic fatty клетчатке. On it{her} it is not enough or absolutely there are no wrinkles. Time are closed and are not evident. But at a touch in such leather{skin} some dryness is felt also: it is not enough moisture. Especially dry there is a leather{skin} of cheeks and on temples. At the same time the leather{skin} of a forehead, a nose, носогубных складок and a chin frequently even shines. Such leather{skin} name beautiful, but its{her} appeal is temporary. She{it} badly transfers washings by water even with пережиренным soap. And then starts to lose the charming properties quickly. Becomes covered in a plenty fine чешуйками. The impression, that a leather{skin} as though обсыпана is created by a flour{torment}. Dryness grows, and the leather{skin} any more does not transfer washing to soap. Moreover, even after washing only she{it} frequently becomes covered by water red пятнами, burns. Then becomes flabby, becomes covered морщинками which all over again appear about corners of eyes (so-called « goose paws ») more and more. The sun, a wind, a cold and heat accelerate and aggravate these processes. If behind such leather{skin} to begin duly and careful leaving{care} it is possible to keep its{her} beauty for long time, to save up from withering. Подробнее...