услуги прием косметолог москва
Cosmetic masks on the action are nutritious, softening, drying, bleaching, etc. For the majority of masks fresh plants (кашица, juice, slices) or specially prepared настои, broths, tinctures from dry parts are used. In the summer of a mask prepare from various fruit, berries, vegetables; in the winter - from the dried up grass, цветков and inflorescences, roots, but whenever possible all the same it is better to use fresh vegetables and fruit. If prepare for masks from juicy fruits (for example, wild strawberry, a grapes, cherries, raspberries, an apricot, a water-melon, a tomato, etc.), them wash, release{exempt} from a peel and seeds or косточек and pound in кашицу in enameled, porcelain or glasswares. For masks from firm fruit (apples, a quince) or vegetables (the cucumber, cabbage, a potato, carrots, etc.) too clear them of a peel and pass{miss} through a meat grinder or grate. Подробнее...
The sea … Exciting and mysterious. It draws even the most unromantic and ordinary citizens and citizens. This fresh, little bit salty air, this boundless dark blue open space which at any genetic level reminds, that all alive (and we) once давным for a long time has left water. The question decided{solved} to have a rest we go to sea! Besides everything, that is connected to the sea, operates on our appearance with the most remarkable image. Sea air, the sun, sea water, a sea dirty - our irreplaceable assistants in business of preservation and amplification{strengthening} of our appeal. Подробнее...