врач косметолог дерматолог
Action of clay is caused in the big degree by its{her} mineral structure. In some kinds of clay silicon, in others - aluminium, in the third - manganese prevails. Silicon positively influences on эпидермис, gives flexibility to vessels, stimulates growth of hair, an exchange липидов, formation{education} of collagen and a bone fabric. Aluminium possesses антацидными, drying and knitting properties, manganese - дезодорирующим and drying effect. But bleaching and clearing properties of clay are in the best way known. Подробнее...
Biooozes (vitamin Н). At his{its} deficiency develop дерматозы, hyperpigmentation and a peeling of a leather{skin}, is broken growth of nails. Positive an effect has at себорее, wrinkles, a flabby and fat leather{skin}, угрях, at облысении. Contains in an onions{a bow}, carrots, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes, a red and black currant, yeast, wheat flour, peas. Подробнее...