Мануальная терапия
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гнойное воспаление кожи

Cucumber cream for a dry leather{skin}: vegetable oil - 3,5 dining rooms of the spoon, the kindled wax and glycerin on 1 dining room to the spoon, a boric acid - 0,5 teaspoons, cucumber juice - 2 dining rooms of the spoon. Wax is crushed, mixs up with vegetable oil and a boric acid and расплавляется on a water bath. The received weight slightly to cool, add glycerin and cucumber juice. Carefully to mix, store{keep} in a refrigerator. Подробнее...

Sometimes, strolling along sea coast, it is possible to see groups of people of unusual color and a kind. And if to approach to them is closer, it will be found out, that people these ordinariest, it is simple they from legs{foots} up to a head are covered with a dirty. " It still what for? " - is surprised you ask them, and in the answer receive the whole lecture on advantage{benefit} of a sea dirty, about that what after it{her} a soft leather{skin} and as any Anna Petrovna and any Ivan Ivanovich got rid with its{her} help of rheumatism, псориаза and still heaps of other illnesses. Do not trust? And зря. Подробнее...