Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

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The the means used at a peeling, the is stronger faster and more abruptly the leather{skin} changes. But on the average this process lasts 10-20 days. At this time, when the person "acquires" a new leather{skin}, it is impossible to go to a bath and to take a bath, the person should not adjoin to water at all. It is strictly forbidden to grease the person with creams and to sunbathe. Подробнее...

Whether you how it is easily and pleasantly breathed at the sea noticed? As if never passed through our easy a dust and could the big city, and never was (or all the same was?) the long experience of smoking. For example, at the Crimean coast among having a rest such proverb goes: " To smoke in Crimea - approximately, the same, what to not smoke in Moscow ". Sea air clears and restores our tired загазованные bronchial tubes and easy. Подробнее...