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Фитонциды - flying substances, developed plants. Are open in 1928 by the Soviet scientist B.P.Tokinym. Possess antimicrobic action, at external application operate as a disinfectant. Contain in the greater or smaller quantity{amount} in overwhelming majority of the maximum{supreme} plants. Are widely used фитонцидные properties of a calendula, an onions{a bow}, garlic, a horse-radish, a horsetail field and other plants. Подробнее...
Having a dry leather{skin} its{her} lacks more often washing which for a while releases{exempts} her{it} from чешуек sometimes try to correct, clears, returning to it{her} a former attractive kind. However soon there comes disappointment, to wash it becomes impossible, because the leather{skin} already at all does not transfer some water. Even at the general{common} (hygienic) washing droplets getting on the person cause irritation and a pain. In this case it is desirable to address in a beauty shop for advice{council}. However also it is independently possible to keep healthy a dry leather{skin}, observing corresponding rules of care of it{her}. Подробнее...