Мануальная терапия
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стволовые клетки кожа

While the leather{skin} absorbs all gifts of the enriched water, on hair it is necessary to put an intensive medical mask. In a week it is quite enough one "additional charge", that your hair always were brilliant and were easily stacked. Подробнее...

For reception of juice select fresh, mature, innocent berries, fruits and vegetables, wash, clear of a peel, crush by means of a wooden pestle, pass{miss} through a meat grinder or grate. From the crushed weight through a rare fabric wring out juice. It is more convenient to do{make} it by means of a juice extractor. Then it{him} filter and use at once. From some berries (a currant, a raspberry, etc.) Juice receive as follows: them place in enameled or glasswares, 1/2 glasses of water on 1 kg of berries add and heat up up to 60 ° then wring out juice through a dense fabric. It is possible to prepare a small amount of juice for the future. For this purpose to отжатому to juice add for preservation spirit (15 % from total of juice). A mix heat up on a water bath in densely closed utensils till 75-80 ° and at such temperature continue to hold 30 more minutes. After that she{it} needs to be cooled and filtered quickly. In such kind juice is kept in a cool place more long time. Подробнее...