новообразования на коже
Рибофлавин (vitamin B2) helps at себорее, себорейном loss of hair, pink and ordinary угрях, in уголках a mouth (заеды), positive an effect has on a growing old leather{skin} cracks and ulcers. Contains in cereals, vegetable marrows, cabbage, a potato, an onions{a bow}, apricots, oranges, lemons, wild strawberry, a raspberry, sea-buckthorn berries, a nettle, a rhubard, a camomile, etc. Подробнее...
Ретинол (vitamin А). Plants contain provitamin And, or carotin which in an organism of the person turns to vitamin. Carotin in a plenty contains in carrots, tomatoes, beet, greens of a parsley and an onions{a bow}, зверобое, a nettle, a yarrow, a melon, a pumpkin, a gooseberry, a raspberry, plum, a currant, apricots, peaches, fruits of sea-buckthorn berries, a mountain ash, a dogrose, nuts. Lack of vitamin And of an organism results to поседению and fragilities of hair, dryness, a peeling and ороговению leather{skin}, to occurrence of wrinkles, угрей, fragilities of nails. Application of it{him} gives good effect at a dry leather{skin} and dry hair, себорее, ordinary and pink угрях, обморожениях. Подробнее...